It’s almost time! Find the shortlist for each category in the Smedias below.

Please be aware – this is NOT the nominations list! That comes later. But finding your name here brings you one step closer to winning!

Good Luck!


Sports Writer of the Year:

Shane Hannon UCD

Fergus Carrol UCD

Carl Kinsella  TCD

Ruaidhri Croke DCU

Gavin Cooney TCD

Eoin Sheahan DCU

Stephen Barry UCC

Ryan Bailey Griffith College



Journalist of the Year

Laura Colgan             DCU

Thomas Heneghen   UL

John Brennan           NUIG

Ciara Treacy              NUIG

Jack Leahy                Trinity College

Grainne Loughlan    UCD

Eoin Sheahan            DCU

Ellen Desmond         UCC

Eoin McSweeney      UCC

Catherine Healy        Trinity College


Features Writer (Arts and Popular Culture)

Tara Joshi                   Trinity College

Matthew Malone        Trinity College

Sean Hayes                  UCD

Rebecca Rennick        UCD

David Corscadden     UCD

Patrick Kelleher          UCD

Robert Byrne               UCC

Dan Scott                     Trinity College


Short Film of the Year

Conor Hamill  with ‘Luke’              IADT

James Fitzgerald  with ‘Skunky Dog’       IADT

Oisin Buckley with ‘B5’               IADT

Oisin O’Headhra          Tallagh IT
Martin Curley               Colaiste Dhulaigh
Mark Holland with ‘I’ve Been A Sweeper’               DIT
Deborah Sheedy with  ‘7 Weeks’ Ballyfermot College of Further Education
Thomas Reynolds with ‘Model Life’ Ballyfermot College of Further Education
Jason Coyne   with ‘Downsweeper’ Ballyfermot College of Further Education
Features Writer of the Year (News and Current Affairs)
Conor Shearman    UCC
Grainne Loughran   UCD
Stephen Barry           UCC
Laura Cashman        UCC
Michael Lanigan       TCD
Catherine Healy        TCD
Rachel Lavin              TCD
Charlotte Ryan          TCD


Colour Writer:

Meadhbh McGrath             Trinity College

Dylan Joyce Ahearne          Trinity College

Naoise Dolan                        Trinity College


Eva Short                               Trinity College

Michael Mullooly                 Trinity College

Jane Fallon Griffin              Trinity College

Emily Longworth                 UCD
Brian Matthew Conmy        UCC
Short Story of the Year:
Sarah Burke Vaughan for ‘You Took Me To Neverland’      UCD
Mark Kelleher for ‘The Great Destroyer’   UCC
Ruth Lawlor for  ‘The Gallery’      UCC
Eoghan Scott  for ‘Things Have Changed’    UCC
Brian Mathew Conmy  for ‘Ghost’       UCC
Craig O’Shea for ‘On Your Way Son’   The Ormonde College Kilkenny
Stephen Cox  for  ‘Michael Sparrow-Ulysses’     Trinity College
Carlos Lievonen  for ‘Secret Postcard’       Trinity College
Radio Production Arts and Features:
Cian Roche                            DCU
Carly Matthews-Lynch        IADT
Hayley Kenny                        Griffith College
Aedín O’ Tiarnaigh               UL
Stephen Robb                         UCD
Jessica Devenney                   NUIG
Kevin Kelly                              DCU
RTE2 New Voices Award:
Jessica Devenney                  NUIG
TV Production


Alan Doyle                               IADT

Josefina Maria Bentz            Griffith College Dublin

Tiberio Ventura                      Griffith College Dublin

Marius Dalseg Saetre             Griffith College Dublin


The Road Safety Award for Journalism on Road Safety

Ciara Walsh                                    Griffith College Dublin
Lorna Ni Thomain                         NUIG
Sean Defoe & Eoin Sheehan        DCU
Cian Carton                                      UCD
Diane O’Connor                              Griffith College Dublin
Jessica Leen                                      UL
Small College Publication
Grace Nuttall for The Player            Trinity College Dublin
Grace Nuttall  for Trinity Arts Festival   Trinity College Dublin
Fintan Walsh for Limerick Voice      UL
Linus Annlov for DBS Student Magazine   Dublin Business School
Ellie O’Byrne for The Lanterns Samhain     Griffith College Cork
Robbie Purcell for Griffiti            Griffith College Dublin
Jack Leonard for RED        Christian Brothers College Cork
Newspaper of the Year
The University Observer    UCD
UCC Express           UCC
The University Times       Trinity College Dublin
The Bull                       Trinity College Dublin
Trinity News                 Trinity College Dublin
The College View       DCU
The Edition                  DIT
Tiberio Ventura             Griffith College
Raimonda Milasiene     DIT Aungier Street
Anna Kerslake                IADT
Kaja Sitron Juul             Griffith College
Deborah Sheedy             BCFE
Peoples Choice Award
UCC Express                    UCC
Motley Magazine             UCC
Trinity News                     Trinity College
Niamh Ni Ruairi    My Beautiful Nightmare

The College Tribune         UCD
TV Production – Irish
Ciaran Durkin                                                       WIT   
Neepa Sodhi                                                           WIT
Eadaoin Fitzmaince & Caoimhe                         DCU
Cait Ni Cheallahain & Siobhan Mc Tague        DCU
Radio Production – Irish
Johanna Kelleher, Deirdre Donavan            UCC
Matthew Cassidy                                               NUIG
Michelle Nic Gabhann                                      NUIG
Caoimhe Ni Chathail                                         DCU
Journalism – National Press
Rachel Lavin              Trinity College Dublin
Fintan Walsh              UL
Laura Colgan               DCU
Tomas Henegan          UL
Ellie O’Byrne                Griffith College
Catherine Healy          Trinity College
Sean Defoe                    DCU
Robert Byrne               UCC
Photographer – News
Emmet Curtain         UCC
Tiberio Ventura        Griffith College Dublin
Diarmuid O’ Donovan   Limerick College of Further Education
Caroline Brady                 Griffith College Dublin

William McNamara         Limerick College of Further Education
Kevin O’Rourke                Trinity College
Natalia Marzec                   DIT
Iriseoireacht Scriofa
Siofra Ni Shluaghadhain             UCD
Conor de Paor                                UCD
Niamh O’Regan                              UCD
Valerie Tierney                               UCD
Michelle Seoighe                            NUIG
Benn O Hogain                              Trinity College Dublin
Lorna Tummon                              NUIG
Web Designer:
Andrew Murphy                Trinity College
Duane Doogan                     DCU
Kevin Hosford                      UCC
Kieran Murphy                     UCC
Radio Journalist
Sean Defoe                       DCU
Eoin Sheahan                   DCU
Tommy Meskill                DCU
Nicole O’Connor              DCU
European Commission Award
Callum Trimble Jenkins      Trinity College
Laura Cashman                      UCC
Walaa Ajjawi                           Griffith College
Kirsten Nelson Burke             Trinity College
Robert Dunne                           UCD
Stephanie Costello                   DIT
Lorna Tummon                        NUIG
University Observer Editorial Team    University Observer (UCD)
Stephen Barry                            UCC Express (UCC)
Ellen Desmond                             Motley (UCC)
Meadhbh McGrath                      TN2 (Trinity)
Michael Cogley                             College View (DCU)
Callum Trimble-Jenkins            The Bull (Trinity)
Catherine Healy                            Trinity News (Trinity)
Barry Lennon                                 The Edition (DIT)
Film Script
Rian Smith for ‘Robbie the Rabbit’
Michael Anderasson for ‘Put out to Pasture’
Killian O’Dwyer for ‘Breaking News’
Fintan Walsh for ‘Speak No Evil’
Louise Costelloe for ‘We Have Love’
Emma Hegarty for ‘Park In Rome’
Holly Pereira for ‘Treatment’
Graeme O’Connor for ‘The Selection Process’



