Science Week 2023 is taking place this week, from the 12th-19th November with events happening all over the country to help celebrate science in our everyday lives. From tours, talks, escape rooms, exhibitions and more, there’s an event for everyone of all ages.

Supported by Science Foundation Ireland, the theme of this year’s Science Week is a consideration of what it means to be human. SFI stated “This Science Week, we are asking people to consider what it means to be human in today’s world, and how the decisions we make today, will impact humans of the future. Human creativity, curiosity and concepts have transformed every aspect of human life, from how we live and interact with each other to the relationship we have with our planet. Incredible developments have shaped our understanding of ourselves and our world. At times it can feel like these changes are out of our control, from the environmental emergency to being outpaced by technology. It begs the question – what lies ahead, and what role will science play in this? How will the actions we take now shape our collective human experience for both current and future generations?”

Events occurring to celebrate Science Week reflect this as from tours, talks, escape rooms, exhibitions, and more, there’s an event for everyone of all ages to help people develop their curiosity and learn something new this week about the world around them – or even themselves! Learn the science behind the sea, water itself, fan-powered cars, the bioeconomy, cells, global food safety planetary systems, and how to become a sustainability superhero. 

We here at and the National Student Media Awards 2024 have a very special announcement to make in collaboration with Science Foundation Ireland, as SFI will be continuing as a sponsor for the awards this year! Keep an eye out for more science-related articles on our site, as we dive into the fascinating world around us!

