Mars Food, the company behind Dolmio and Uncle Ben’s, has advised that some of its products should not be consumed more than once a week.

This recommendation comes due to the high sugar, salt or fat content in some of its products.

A new health and well-being initiative by Mars Food will include the release of a list of “occasional” products that should only be consumed once a week.

Guidance will be given on packs and on the Mars Food website to advise customers how often these products should be consumed.

The website will be updated within the next few months with a list distinguishing “occasional” and “everyday” products.

The initiative plans “to create and promote healthier food choices” over the next five years.

The company says that some products are higher in sugar, salt or fat in order to keep the recipe authentic.

As part of the initiative, the company plans to reduce added sugar and salts and increase vegetables and wholegrains in its products.

A press release from the company said Mars Food will reduce sodium by an average of 20 percent by 2021. It will also expand its multigrain options so that half of all rice products will include wholegrains and/or legumes. The company will also ensure that all tomato-based products contain at least one serving of vegetables.

Global president of Mars Food, Drink and Multisales Fiona Dawson said, “Our Nutrition Criteria sets a very high standard for our products, and we also want to help our consumers understand the difference between ‘everyday’ and ‘occasional’ products within a balanced diet.”

“Cooking and eating healthy meals at home is central to health and well-being, and we believe our brands should inspire our consumers to come together over a healthy meal,” said Dawson.

