Videos: 3 Sea-Lions Kill 3 Thresher Sharks

Photos and videos have emerged showing 3 sea-lions killing and eating 3 thresher sharks off the coast of Newport Beach in California.

If you don’t know what a thresher shark is, it looks like this:

thresher thresher 2

While they clearly have a bad case of idiot face, they’re sharks that have fucking massive tails to whip prey directly into their mouth, so they can look as vacant as they like.

Footage was captured of the altercation by a photographer by the name of Slater Moore, who was in a boat off the coast, as well as a woman by the name of Heidi Stone, who described the scene as “Sea lion goes all Hulk-on-Loki with a thresher shark”.

Here is Slater’s video, which has proven to be more popular online so far:


Heidi’s video cannot be embedded, but you can watch it on Facebook.

Slater also managed to capture some spectacular photos were also captured, which can be seen below.

shark 2


shark 3


