University College Dublin is looking for the valued input of final year students and employed graduates across Ireland in order to understand your views on and perceptions of the University.
Start Survey Here
The survey should take around 10 minutes. UCD have provided a prizefund of €750 to raffle among students who complete the survey.
1st prize will receive €300
2nd prize wins €200
3rd prize wins €100
3 prizes of €50 to be given to runners up.
Entries are limited so there is a great chance to win!
The survey asks your opinion about what you consider to be the important characteristics of a top university and how UCD rates on these attributes. The range of answers and analysis will help UCD to articulate what and who they are and how they impact on society.
Naturally, all survey responses will remain anonymous. The surveys are being administered by The Knowledge Partnership, an independent education consultancy, on behalf of UCD. The prize draw is optional and any contact details collected will not be associated with your survey responses or shared with any third parties.