Taken 3: Taken With A Vengenace

Liam Neeson is back on the phone this January for a third installment of the Taken franchise. Expect more rehashed dialogue from the first movie and action sequences ripped out of every action film ever made. They may be milking that one cool phone call scene ...


Why is it still so sunny? It's almost Hallowe'en. 1. sunburned and it's almost October #irishgirlproblems — Anirbas (@sabrennalynn) September 28, 2014 2. I think I seriously just got a bit of sun sitting on my deck for an hour. In September. At 4:30...

Tesco to release photogenic food for social media users

Tesco have decided to try and capitalise on the increasingly popular trend of people attempting to make their lives seem better than it actually is. In 2015, the English supermarket chain will be bringing out a range of low cost ready-made meals that are lo...

8 Perfectly Acceptable Reasons To Skip Work

1. It's The Morning After The Night Before You've been on a massive bender and spent the last few hours with your head resting on the toilet bowl. Even if you do go in, it's not like you're getting any work done, so don't be a hero and take a Me Day! #2>...

4 Terrible Student Meals You Never Want To Have To Try

It's a well known fact that students prefer to spend as little money as possible on food and nutrition to allow for a greater alcohol fund, but a line has to be drawn somewhere, right?  from Facts. YouTube Channel...

Gold | Film Review

Niall Heery's Gold is one of those quirky off-beat Irish films that just seems to work, against all odds. The premise is ground-breaking by no stretch of the imagination. Down on his luck and homeless, Ray returns to his Dublin hometown to visit his dying f...