Hello! Here are your freakishly accurate stars for the week of 6th October 2017


Mar 21 – Apr 19 

Saturn is rising in your sign this week. As most people are aware, this means you should switch up your usual choice of biscuit. For example, if you are usually a classic custard creams consumer, consider trying bourbons for a change. You will reap the benefits of subtle life changes this week, Aries. 



Apr 20 – May 20

Everyone knows you are stubborn, Taurus. But this week would be an excellent time to consider letting down your walls! Watch that Netflix documentary you’ve been recommended, or at least switch up your usual Starbucks order. Only good will come of this for you. 




Apr 21 – Jun 20 

Determination is very strong in your sign these days. Perhaps it is a good week to try and attend your 9am lectures, Gemini. You know you want to. 




Jun 21 – Jul 22

It’s time to stop being so picky, Cancer. Do you realise you could have swiped left on Tinder for your soul mate? Take a moment to think about your destiny. 




Jul 23 – Aug 22

You may not be seeing eye to eye with your housemates or college buddies, but don’t fret! It’s not you Leo, it’s the moon. Listen to your gut, which everybody knows is controlled by the moon. 




Aug 23 – Sep 22

All the mighty sources of energy in the world o the Zodiac have come together to predict some travel in your sign this week. Maybe it’s time you took a 9 euro bus eireann journey to your friends college campus for a night of boogying. 




Sep 23 – Aug 22

It’s in your nature to be dreamy, Libra. But maybe it’s time to think realistically about your choices. Can one really live on bowls of cereal and pasta for dinner? Treat yourself to some protein. The universe, and your digestive system will thank you. 




Aug 23 – Nov 21

After an exhausting couple of weeks, you will be happy to hear that the majority of your assignments aren’t due until late November. Take this new found free time to creep that special someone on social media – they may not be who you think!




Nov 22 – Dec 21

You are definitely not the kind of person that people will mess around with, Sagittarius. But are you the person that people will hang around with? Think about the vibes you are giving off this week.




Dec 22- Jan 19

You seem to be improving at figuring out what your lecturers really mean. Well done, Capricorn, but you must realise that stuff doesn’t really matter. Time spent trying to interpret yours and your friends dreams mean would be better spent. 




Jan 20 – Feb 18

Pluto rising in your sign may cause problems in your romantic life. This might get tricky for you, as it seems Pluto is planning to rise for the next two decades. 




Feb 19 – Mar 20

 One major event will occur for you this week, making your life seem like a romantic comedy for an hour or two. However, after this, nothing will happen for a long time – and you will live a quite boring existence. 

