The Irish Independent are back to sponsor the Editor of the Year award at this year’s National Student Media Awards!

The Independent covers the latest news and analysis on politics, sports, business, lifestyle and entertainment from award-winning journalists. To tell Ireland’s story each and every day, their journalists pursue the stories that matter.

For online coverage you can access, Ireland’s most popular news website with 13 million users every month.

The Independent writers have been providing top quality journalism for the last 100 years and are acclaimed by industry professionals and students alike for their work.

The Editor of the Year Award celebrates the successes of young editors as they break into the journalism industry. As one of the biggest newspapers in the country, we are delighted to have the Irish Independent sponsor growth and inspire emerging talent.

Best of luck to this year’s entrants!

For more information on this category click here.

To enter this year’s Smedia Awards click here.

