Picking your International Study Placement

Even though travel has become a luxury with the Covid-19 restrictions in place, international study placements are still going ahead! In these times that are more uncertain than usual, students might find it e...

Marvel Phase 4: Initiated!

Spoilers within! Marvel have outdone themselves in Phase 4 by branching out to the medium of television and finally exploring storylines of the original Avengers. Branching into the development of TV series...

Bands & Albums You Should Listen to in Your 20s

Music is a really speculative category. What’s great to some people isn’t always great to others. People have diverse preferences in music that change almost as often as the charts. There are some differenc...

7 Best Movies on Netflix

There are a several ways to decide what the ‘best’ movies are. In the eyes of Netflix, the word ‘best’ probably translates to the ‘most watched’, ‘most reviewed’ or the ‘highest grossing’ films in their repert...