Elizabeta Magarevioc, a Croatian diplomat based in Berlin has been suspended from her position for, according to IndexHR posting a series of racist and homophobic statements on her social media platforms.

The posts have since been removed but the damage has already been done for Magarevioc who allegedly described her desire for a ‘pure and authentic Europe’ alongside photos.

Magarevioc apparent blatant racism was exemplified in a post expressing a wish for a Europe with ‘just white Europeans as it used to be only 30 years ago in the whole of Europe’.

According to reports, Magarevioc also compared homosexuality to mental ilness and pedophilia and said that it is ‘possible to cure all this immorality’.

The Croatian President, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic commended the ‘swift response’ to the resports of the diplomats online comments.

It’s safe to say that Magarevioc didn’t exactly handle the situation very well, if a situation like this can even be handled well. The diplomat firstly posted a defence of her words on a Facebook profile citing her right to free speech:

“It is unprofessional for journalists to destroy ordinary people in this way. Or should we no longer be thinking beings and have free speech?

However, she later stated in an interview that her account was hacked. It seems like she is digging a Maria Bailey type hole and one can’t imagine that her reaction to her alleged pretty horrific remarks are going to make things any better.

