We’ve had Dublin By Pub and we’ve all heard of the likes of Guinness Adviser, but a new Instagram page that sprung up earlier this year is hoping to fill a gap in the market: Irish pubs’ best hand-dryers.

Sure, you might pull a decent pint of Guinness. Yeah, alright, you have a smoking area. But are my hands going to be effectively dried? Or am I going to have to spend my trip to the bathroom awkwardly balling up pieces of toilet paper?

The page, which has been posting since April, takes its reviews seriously. Hand-dryers in the country’s best-loved watering holes are reviewed based on 3 metrics:

  1. Air pressure (because there’s nothing worse than an airflow so restricted an asthmatic breathing on you would do a better job)
  2. Air temperature (too cold and it takes too long – too hot and you’ll need to wash your clammy hands again)
  3. Aesthetics (mostly set by the standard of the Dyson V Blade because, after all, it is the king of the hand-dryers)

An overall score is then given along with a vivid description of the hand-drying experience which, in all honesty, sets the bar high for any Irish review page, period.


Nothing dampens the experience of having a few pints with the lads than a poxy hand-dryer. You’re there to sink pints, not soggy your spanking new jeans with the uncomfortable front-wipe solution when all else fails. Not to mention that the faster the hand-dryer, the better things are for the environment.

After all, the options in our fair cities are getting fewer and fewer thanks to the closure of venues like the Bernard Shaw. The least we can ask is that our hand-drying needs are met.

Keep up to date with all your drying needs by following Irish Hand Dryer Reviews here.

