September 5th, as well as being Be Late For Something Day, is also Lazy Mom’s Day, where mothers around the globe are encouraged to put their feet up and do absolutely nothing. Indeed anyone with an Irish Mammy will know, that this is an almost impossible task, so instead we take a look at everyone’s favourite lazy mom, Married… With Children’s Peggy Bundy


For those who grew up in the 90’s, you might be familiar with Married…with Children: a popular TV sitcom chronicling the life of Al Bundy, a women’s shoe salesman, and his dysfunctional family, including his wife Peggy, portrayed by Katey Sagal.

Peggy Bundy is lazy and self-indulgent. She hates to cook or clean, neglects her children and would rather buy new clothes than wash them. She doesn’t even consider getting a job. She watches daytime talk shows all day while on her beloved couch eating bon-bons and spends all of what little money Al has on stuff she sees on the Home Shopping Network.

If you look up Peggy Bundy in the Urban Dictionary you’ll find: a sex starved lazy housewife who sits on her fat sexy ass all day eating bon bons and watching Oprah.

Despite her misgivings however, Peggy is a strong female role model. She is uncompromising in her personality, however unappealing to Al, and is wonderfully subversive; teaching her own children that you don’t have to listen and act according to societal pressures, which is why Peggy Bundy is our favourite Lazy Mom…

